The Perfect Shave

shavingShaving shouldn’t be feared. Instead, it should be a simple morning ritual that leaves you feeling refreshed. A quality shave requires about 15 minutes – and is best when using quality shaving products. To make your shaving routine more enjoyable, check out the steps below:

1. Shave right after taking a warm shower. Once out of the shower, thoroughly wet your face with warm water. The steam and water will soften up your beard.

2. Massage a shave oil or cream into your beard (a shaving brush can help). Don’t worry about a bunch of lather – it’s not doing squat if it isn’t touching your skin! Give your shave product about 30 seconds to sink in and reactivate if necessary with a splash of H2O.

3. Using a clean, multi-bladed razor, begin shaving with the grain of hair growth (usually downward). Use short strokes, rinsing the blade often.
Shave the “easy areas” first (cheeks), while leaving the neck, chin and upper lip for last. This will allow these tuff areas more time to soften up.
– Use your free hand to stretch your skin, creating a smooth surface for the razor.
– Only go against the grain at the end to get stubborn hairs.

4. Rinse your face thoroughly with cool water to cleanse the skin and close the pores. If needed, pat your face with a soft towel.

5. Generously apply a balm or moisturizing aftershave. Steer clear of any aftershave containing alcohol, which will hurt like a mother and dry your skin out.

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