How to Kill and Skin a Sheep (part 1)


This is only one of many ways to do a home kill. Just remember this is our way at Men’s Domain.  There are a few rules and regulations that you may need to follow so check them out here New Zealand Food Safety Authority.

sheep1First things first. The most humane way to kill a sheep, if you are doing your own home kill, is to knock the sheep out with a blunt instrument. Slit its throat cutting though to the spinal cord (as shown in the picture to the left). Anyone new to this will find this the hardest bit of the operation.






sheep2Next up we take up our  skinning knife. Holding the back leg between your knees pull the wool up and cut the skin away down toward the ass. You will need to do this on both sides of the sheep.






sheep4You need to cut as much skin away from the sheep’s hind quarter on both sides. So what you end up with is something like in the picture to the left.







sheep5Now for the last bit of this part is to break the joint. Cut around the joint then break it. If there are any tendons left just cut through them.






How to Kill and Skin a Sheep (part 2)

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